They managed it! Who would have dared put their money on the FCI European Section's 2012 Show in Bucharest being such a resounding success? Victim of a smear campaign on the social networks (what power, what strength, often positive but at times also very harmful), the Asociatia Chinologica Romana (AchR) was able to keep a cool head, rising to the challenge and attracting more than 6,000 dogs to the Romanian capital. The AChR was able to leverage the smear campaign against it to promote the show, and the least we can say is that it was very successful in doing so. Congratulations to the whole Romanian team, brilliantly led by Mr C. Stefanescu and Mr P. Muntean.

Unfortunately, three of the canine world’s top personalities have recently left us and the FCI would like to pay tribute to them here...

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Yves De Clercq
FCI Executive Director

They managed it! Who would have dared put their money on the FCI European Section's 2012 Show in Bucharest being such a resounding success? Victim of a smear campaign on the social networks (what power, what strength, often positive but at times also very harmful), the Asociatia Chinologica Romana (AchR) was able to keep a cool head, rising to the challenge and attracting more than 6,000 dogs to the Romanian capital. The AChR was able to leverage the smear campaign against it to promote the show, and the least we can say is that it was very successful in doing so. Congratulations to the whole Romanian team, brilliantly led by Mr C. Stefanescu and Mr P. Muntean.

Unfortunately, three of the canine world’s top personalities have recently left us and the FCI would like to pay tribute to them here: D.Manuel Martin Rodriguez, long-standing President of the Real Sociedad Canina en España, Ms Zakarian, President of the Uzbekistan Kennel Club, an FCI Contract Partner, and Mr Jacques Wildanger (Luxemburg), a member of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs.

The 5-2012 edition of this e-newsletter provides readers with information on various shows, activities and championships organised by our member organisations, highlighting various "working" competitions which, in our view, continue to enjoy particular relevance.

We hope you enjoy reading the newsletter and look forward to seeing you at our shows and other championships

Yours sincerely,

Yves De Clercq
FCI Executive Director