They managed it! Who would have dared put their money on the FCI European Section's
2012 Show in Bucharest being such a resounding success? Victim of a smear campaign
on the social networks (what power, what strength, often positive but at times also
very harmful), the Asociatia Chinologica Romana (AchR) was able to keep a cool head,
rising to the challenge and attracting more than 6,000 dogs to the Romanian capital.
The AChR was able to leverage the smear campaign against it to promote the show,
and the least we can say is that it was very successful in doing so. Congratulations
to the whole Romanian team, brilliantly led by Mr C. Stefanescu and Mr P. Muntean.
Unfortunately, three of the canine world’s top personalities have recently left
us and the FCI would like to pay tribute to them here...
Read more
Yves De Clercq
FCI Executive Director
European Dog Show in Bucharest (RO), 5-7/10
Interview with Jorgen Hindse, President of the European Section of the FCI

Jorgen Hindse
The European Dog Show in Bucharest was under heavy fire due to bad rumours via Facebook.
Do you see Facebook as a threat or as a new welcome medium?
In some ways as a threat, yes, but in others, also a great help.
What would you advise judges when present on Facebook?
Judges should be careful, when participating in Facebook debates. What they say
will be used, and misused!
The Romanian Kennel Club has signed an agreement with an Animal Protection association,
a gesture well appreciated by the public. Do you think that the FCI could play a
part in this on a more global plan?
It is a great idea to cooperate closer with AWO`s (Animal Welfare Organisations).
In the European Section we do so, and have regular meetings with several AWO`s.
It becomes a serious problem when exhibitors enter their dogs at the very last moment.
In Romania, the big rush came in "after" the deadline. Do you see any possibility
to counter this evolution?
We had the same experience in Denmark 2 years ago in the WDS. It looks as if the
exhibitors don’t care about higher entry fees for late entries, but I don’t know
what to do about it.
What was your general impression on the European Show?
The EDS in Bucharest was great. Well organised, calm atmosphere, excellent hospitality.
Thank you Mr Hindse for you time.