They managed it! Who would have dared put their money on the FCI European Section's 2012 Show in Bucharest being such a resounding success? Victim of a smear campaign on the social networks (what power, what strength, often positive but at times also very harmful), the Asociatia Chinologica Romana (AchR) was able to keep a cool head, rising to the challenge and attracting more than 6,000 dogs to the Romanian capital. The AChR was able to leverage the smear campaign against it to promote the show, and the least we can say is that it was very successful in doing so. Congratulations to the whole Romanian team, brilliantly led by Mr C. Stefanescu and Mr P. Muntean.

Unfortunately, three of the canine world’s top personalities have recently left us and the FCI would like to pay tribute to them here...

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Yves De Clercq
FCI Executive Director
In memoriam
Decease of Ms Zoya Zakharyan
Ms Zoya Zakharyan

Ms Zoya Zakharyan has been the head of Cynological Federation of Uzbekistan (KFU) since 2004. She was the key person who led the KFU to the membership with FCI, initially as a contract partner and in 2011 as an associated member. As President of KFU Ms Zakharyan maintained friendly relations with a number of experts and judges and cynological organisations all over the world. The members of KFU have become a real team of experts and partners under her leadership. The Uzbek cynologists will always remember Ms Zakharyan as a kind and loving person, a real friend and a wise and caring manager. She will always live in the memory of Uzbekistan dog lovers as the first head of an organised and civilised cynological community.

The Members of the Board of KFU