Never before had an FCI European Section Show so much bad luck as this one. I still
remember Petru Muntean jumping up out of joy next to Christian Stefanescu (respectively
Vice-president and President of the Romanian Kennel Club) when the FCI flag was
handed over to them last year in Leeuwarden. But then, when the deadline (August
31st) to enter was there, their counter was only at 2,237 dogs while 12 to 15,000
dogs were expected. The committee was desperate and started to cancel a lot of judges
and postponed the entry date to September 11th and finally closed at 6,157 dogs.
What happened?
© Karl Donvil

Romania is a beautiful country, but many people consider it as a very unsafe country
with bad roads and where corruption is the rule. As if this was not enough, an unfair
campaign started against the show with regard to the cruelties against the way street
dogs are treated. More gossip was spread via Facebook and photos of judges taken
during the Black Sea Winner shows in order to discredit them. The storm was heavy,
very heavy, but first of all very unfair. Bucharest is a modern city, with many
nice, new buildings and is no longer unsafe compared to any other big city. Bucharest
is rather hip and young and it was nice wandering in the streets. And yes, there
were street dogs and they all had a yellow badge in the ear, which means they were
sterilised. During the days of dictator Ceaucescu, a lot of villages were abandoned
and destroyed, forcing its inhabitants to move to the cities. Most of the dogs in
the villages were left behind and started to become a big problem. And what happens
when poor people want to solve this problem? They don’t put them into shelters as
this is expensive and they don’t have money to pay vets to euthanise them or sterilise
them. They use methods that look very cruel in our eyes, but that are as old as
history itself. Those methods are not more cruel than the killing of sheep, cows,
chicken, pigs… A boycott for this reason is unfair, totally unfair. What I consider
as one of the main problems is Facebook.
How bad was Romania then? Bad? It was not bad at all, on the contrary. I was pleasantly
surprised in many ways. Notwithstanding all the problems they had to face, the organisers
did a fantastic job. Amazing to see that they were able to turn this show into one
of the best ever. I questioned several exhibitors but they were all very enthusiastic.
Expressions like “nice people, great show, friendly atmosphere, efficient friendly
security, nice country, great trip, terrific showground” were common. No way to
find complaints, not even from exhibitors from the USA and the UK who are used to
other criteria.
© Karl Donvil

The showground was located on the outskirts of the city, easily accessible and with
plenty of parking around. A kind of boulevard was leading to the circular arena
that dominated the area. It was an impressive sight. Due to half of the expected
number of dogs, only 3 halls were in use. Rings were 12 by 12 meters and, for some
breeds, this was very small. Nonetheless there were grooming areas in every hall.
And even if one knows that there was a lack of space, some handlers managed to reserve
plenty of space for them, fencing themselves in and not caring about other people,
visitors and dogs. Outside on the boulevard there was a kind of market place where
locals had rented a wooden stand and were selling local goods, knitwear, food and
woodcraft. In the middle of the boulevard were some big outdoor rings. Fortunately
there was plenty of sunshine, it was warm but pleasant and bearable thanks to the
dry air. These rings were reserved for the German Shepherds and the Caucasian and
local shepherd breeds. The arena had 3 floors. The ground floor was for the main
ring and the demonstrations, the collecting ring and the preparing area. On the
first and second floors you had all the trade stands, Kennel Clubs and Breed clubs.
Nothing was wide apart.
Prior to the FCI European Section Show there were several shows in the country,
including the famous Dracula Show the weekend before. On Thursday was the first
show in Bucharest, the Bucharest Winner & Interra Show, with about 2500 entries.
Judging during the day was perfectly scheduled and it ended all well in time. But
for the main ring, knowing that all 10 groups, puppies, juniors etc., had to pass
the review, no wonder that the show finished very late. Friday, the first day of
the FCI European Section Show, was also a busy day as there were 4 groups, groups
3, 4, 5 and 7. Every day there was another theme in the main ring. On Friday it
was the Roman era: 5 girls and 2 boys, all models I suppose, were dressed in a Roman
tunic. Saturday was devoted to the roaring twenties when Bucharest was called “little
Paris of the East“ and had one the finest periods in its history. On Sunday the
models were dressed modern while the boys had local clothes on. The light in the
main ring was nice, but could have been a little brighter during the judging. Dimming
the lights when the judge is introduced and when the dogs come in is always nice,
but once the judging starts, it is better to have a bright view. The podium was
more than correct. The evening programme was well attended, especially on Saturday
and surely on Sunday. Saturday was late again. Groups 2, 6 and 10 were up, while
on Sunday we had groups 1, 8 and 9, plus the finals. The Romanian Kennel Club is
helping to set up a national sterilising programme for street dogs by co-financing
a mobile veterinary unit. It is always better to solve a problem from inside as
this has a better and more stable result on the long term. Dog shows are one of
the means to teach people, to instruct them and to show that our world is more beautiful
in the company of healthy and happy dogs.
© Karl Donvil

As could be expected, the biggest entry was from Russia – 1819 -, followed by Romania
with 1183 dogs. I had expected many more dogs from Hungary but only 378 turned up,
less than from Ukraine that had 436. Italy had also 378 entries. Great Britain had
22, Mexico 11, Chile 3, the same as Indonesia, Korea, San Marino and the USA. There
were even 4 dogs entered from Egypt. Columbia had 2 dogs entered, Azerbaijan, Canada,
China and Puerto Rico had one dog. Absolutely worth mentioning are the 16 entries
from Thailand. In total 52 countries were represented. Only about half the number
of the judges who were initially planned were officiating. It must have been a nightmare
to reschedule them all only a few weeks before the show and to face all the questions
and frustrations of the exhibitors who suddenly had someone else to judge their
breed. Fortunately I heard no serious complaints about this, as if they all understood
the problems and felt sorry for the organizing club.
The honour to judge Best In Show was granted to Vice-president Petru Muntean and
I can assure you that he was looking forward to do this. He had some very good dogs
from all over Europe. His number 3 was the Flat Coated Retriever “Win-A-Latte” bred
and owned by Carina Östman Borlänge, from Sweden. Mrs Van Brempt, from Belgium,
had judged the breed earlier that day and chose it out of 20 competitors. Mr Andras
Korozs, from Hungary, made it “Best of Group”. Mr Paul Stanton, from Sweden, had
judged the Afghan Hounds during the day and chose “Oudry Gandamak” out of the 39
Afghans present. Mr Gerard Jipping, from the Netherlands, gave the ticket for the
finals when judging the group. “Oudry” ended up res BIS. It is proudly owned by
Csilla Bakos, from Hungary.
I think it is the very first time ever that a dog from the United Kingdom was chosen
BIS at an FCI European Section Show or World Show. “Zentarr Morgan” made history.
This Lhasa Apso was the choice of Mrs Yolanda Nagler from Israel –she had 29 in
her ring- and the Group 9 winner of Mr Francesco Cochetti from Italy.
Zentarr Morgan is co-owned by Stefano Paolantoni, from Italy, and M.D. Anderson
from the United Kingdom.
The Bucharest FCI 2012 European Section Show will enter history as a show of extremes.
Notwithstanding all the bad publicity the committee had to face they had the courage
to go on and show the world that challenging them has an adverse effect . Those
who came over to show in Bucharest returned home happy and probably satisfied too.
Romania is a beautiful country, has great hospitality, a safe capital, nice people
and a heart for dogs. The future of the Romanian street dogs looks a little brighter
after the show. The intention of the Romanian Kennel Club was sincere, they will
fight the bad reputation with regard to their street dogs and teach their people
about the many benefits they can get from their dogs, about how to treat them and
care for them. That way is long and not easy, but it is also the way to follow for
many other countries too. Instead of opposing them, let’s stand with them and grant
them a fair chance to prove that they can manage it. This FCI European Section Show
is a fine start for this, they can really be proud.
Karl Donvil
Results: Romanian Kennel Club & ShowTailors
© Romanian Kennel Club

BIS Judge : Petru Muntean
1) 1) Lhasa Apso ZENTARR MORGAN (Stefano Paolantoni & M D Anderson)
2) Afghan Hound OUDRY GANDAMAK (Csilla Bakos, Hungary)
3) Flat Coated Retriever CACI´S WIN-A-LATTE (Carina Östman, Sweden)
Group winners
© Karl Donvil

Old English Sheepdog BOTTOM SHAKER MY SECRET (Jozsef Koroknai)
© Karl Donvil

Russian Black Terrier OSKAR YABLUNEVYI TSVIT (Irina Yablonka, Ukraine)
© Karl Donvil

Kerry Blue Terrier ROLLICK'S SUPER HERO (Owner Ivana Bilic & Igor Mioc, Croatia)
© Karl Donvil

Dachshund Standard Wire-haired MAGICAROMA Array
© Karl Donvil

Pharaoh Hound REEDLY ROAD ILLUMINATED (Maria Evteeva, Russia)
© Karl Donvil

Basset Hound BASSJOY CRAZY NIGHT (Mariano Galan, Spain)
© Karl Donvil

© Karl Donvil

Flat Coated Retriever CACI´S WIN-A-LATTE (Owner Carina Östman, Sweden)
© Karl Donvil

Lhasa Apso ZENTARR MORGAN (Stefano Paolantoni & M D Anderson)
© Karl Donvil

FCI 10
Judge : Gerard Jipping
Afghan Hound OUDRY GANDAMAK (Owner Csilla Bakos, Hungary)
Full Results by day: