How often do you participate in FCI shows?
I usually come twice a year and participate in about five or six shows.
How do you choose the FCI dog shows you take part in? according to section, to country,…
In addition to choosing higher rank shows, I generally like to attend specialty
shows and International shows. From time to time, I select them also by country
of interest.
What is your motivation to come to an event like this?
Taking part in dog shows have been a part of my life since I was a young girl. I
have always been interested in showing my dogs, and in turn, exchanging knowledge
about different breeds, meeting new people, and seeing the world. On a more practical
level, I chose to come to an event like this, because I wanted to hear opinions
about my dog from experienced judges who are active in the breed clubs and are breeders
How high were you expectations on this show (European Dog Show) compared to other
dog shows?
In general, I do not go into any show with any specific expectations. Aside from
doing my best to show my dog, I try to enjoy the show and people of the country.
© Karl Donvil

What were the positive/negative points of this show?
I was pleased to find out that the organisation was very well structured. However,
I do not like how expensive European shows are. In the United States, shows cost
way less money, and they manage to stay in business. Charging an extra fee for minuscule
niceties, such as rosettes and diplomas, came as a surprise for me. Most of all,
I was not pleased with the fact that one had to pay an extra fee for the grooming
area. Yet, on the other hand, the designated grooming areas were very well prepared.
Nonetheless, this sort of facilities should be available for free. For instance,
in The United States, the superintendent organising the show is responsible for
providing grooming space for each dog.
Were you pleased with the halls, the organisation in general?
I have attended several different shows in the US and Europe, including Romania,
and found that they were very well prepared and well organised.
How was the flow of information? (registration, internet info, catalogue, signs,
information desk, etc.)?
Overall, the flow of information could have been smoother. Not all the information
via the internet was clear. I did not receive any confirmation emails about the
parking and grooming. There could also have been more signs and directions about
the show in and around the city center.
In your opinion, what is the main issue concerning dogs to be dealt with urgently
(breeder point of view, general public point of view)?
There is a severe amount of stray dogs roaming the streets of Romania. As a dog
lover, it is terrible to see these poor animals suffer without a home, food, and
protection. It would be brilliant to see some sort of charity organised for this
cause. For example, some of the high costs of entry, grooming space, and other services
be donated towards funding this charity. After all, we are having these dog shows
not just for our own self-advantage, but for our dogs.
You live in the USA; in your opinion, what would be the difference between an American
dog show and an FCI one?
The AKC shows are perfectly organised and most of the handlers at US shows are professional.
We also have very few spectators on unbenched shows and most AKC shows have lower
entry of dogs. At European shows, most dogs are shown by their owners. I tend to
enjoy European Dog shows more, because they appear to me as less formal, and the
judges are way more patient. There is also a heavy presence of cultural diversity,
with people and dogs from all over Europe. As well as participants, there are a
lot of spectators who come to see the show and cheer us on. Thanks to all of these
wonderful characteristics of European shows, people seem to enjoy their time here
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Interview : Marie Luna Durán
Marketing and Public Relations