At the press conference held on 4 October on the occasion of the FCI European Section's
Show in Bucharest, the Romanian Federation for the Protection of Animals and the
Romanian Canine Organisation signed an agreement for the protection of dogs. The
purpose of this agreement, set to run until 2020, is to help dogs and protect their
environment. An integral part of the agreement involves the provision of a vehicle
for use in preventing the mistreatment of dogs and sterilising them. Among the signatories
are Mr Stefanescu, President of the Romanian Kennel Club, Mr Marinescu, President
of the Romanian Federation for the Protection of Animals and Ms Paula Iacob, a well-known
Romanian lawyer and always prepared to defend the canine cause.
Member of the Romanian National Union of Lawyers - Bucharest office
President of the Romanian Woman Bar Association
President of the UNESCO - F.R.A.C.U Foundation

Paula Iacob
Ms Iacob, would you like to share with FCI newsletter readers your out-of-the-ordinary
experience of which you were a protagonist a few years ago?
"Certainly! Five or six years ago, somebody came looking for me, asking for help
in a rather curious case: a Japanese businessman had been bitten by a stray dog
and had died soon after, allegedly as a result of the bite. Bosquito - that was
the name of the dog in question - had immediately been taken to a shelter in which
he was being kept locked up, without any food or anyone coming to visit him. I went
to the place he was being kept and asked to see and feed him. However, I was refused
the right to visit him several times. These practices reminded me of the inhuman
treatment inflicted on political prisoners in a dark period of our history, and
really shook me up. Feeling concern about the application of these inhumane practices
toward this animal, I started investigating the facts - i.e. what had really happened.
It transpired that the unfortunate Japanese man had had of a heart attack which
had caused him to collapse on top of Bosquito. The latter, seeing the person about
to fall right on top of him, had interpreted this as an attack. There was no doubt
that he had bitten the man, but this was the result of a defensive reflex, as he
had felt himself threatened. In no way had he attacked the man. Once the facts had
been established and Bosquito's innocence proved, Ms Iacob was allowed to visit
him and bring him food. It took quite a bit of time for the animal to regain confidence
in human beings, to let someone come close to him and to accept being fed. Having
got wind of this story, Brigitte Bardot herself sent some food to Bosquito! The
story came to a happy end, with a German citizen, also touched by the fate of dog
and the overhasty sentence, adopting it. Bosquito is now living happily with his
new owner in Germany."
Ms Iacob is all in favour of the idea of teaching children at the earliest age to
respect and love animals, referring to a university study which showed that a high
percentage of adult criminals had as children maltreated animals in some way. Thus
anybody maltreating or even torturing an animal could easily do the same to a human
being! "Any human being worthy of this name should respect animals, as in doing
so they show their respect for themselves. Has not mankind, since the dawn of time,
fought for its freedom? How can men then ignore the right of this same freedom for
animals, themselves just as much living creatures as human beings? Can a human being
still be called "civilised" when he maltreats animals?" In the eyes of the famous
lawyer, the Declaration of Animal Rights (see below) is to be seen as an extension
of the Declaration of Human Rights. Having throughout her life fought to protect
civil liberty, she is now prepared to fight just as ferociously to have anyone harming
the well-being of an animal and their right to freedom ending up in prison. Ms Iacob
likes emphasising that in the course of her long professional career she has often
noticed that judges who love and defend animals are also good judges of human beings.
The European Show in Bucharest: "a new awareness!"
One of the Show's most colourful moments in the view of Mrs Iacob was when pan flutist
Mr Gheorghe Zamfir played in the main ring. "Artists just love animals; this magic
moment touched the soul, you could see the sun shining in the eyes of the audience,
we were all one big family. And the applause afterwards! There was no room for any
differences in culture or social standing; all that was there was a feeling of love
for the dogs and brotherhood between human beings. It just gripped everyone! I was
so full of admiration for all those people who, in times where everyone is just
thinking about his own pocket, travelled thousands of kilometres to live their passion
and put the spotlight on their dog. It was obvious that everybody was appreciative
and happy, we all felt strong together."
Mrs Iacob went on to confide in us that, during the European Show in Bucharest,
she had come to understand what this all meant: "I would like to offer my services
to the FCI, in the context of any new initiative. I am full of admiration for all
this work leading to 86 member countries all working together - for a 100 years
now! - for the benefit of dogs. And I am very happy that the Romanian Canine Organisation
is part of the FCI".
Marie Luna Durán
Marketing and Public Relations
Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, proclaimed in the Maison de l'UNESCO in
Paris on 15 October 1978 and revised by the International League of Animal Rights
in 1989, reproduced here with the kind permission of the La Fondation Droit Animal,
Ethique et Sciences (LFDA), 39 rue Claude Bernard 75005 Paris,
N.B. free translation; original version: French.
Considering that Life is one, all living beings having a common origin and having
diversified in the course of the evolution of the species,
Considering that all living beings possess natural rights, and that any animal with
a nervous system has specific rights,
Considering that the contempt for, and even the simple ignorance of, these natural
rights, cause serious damage to Nature and lead humanity to commit crimes against
Considering that the coexistence of species implies a recognition by the human species
of the right of other animal species to live,
Considering that the respect of animals by humans is inseparable from the respect
of people for each other,
Article 1
All animals have equal rights to exist within the context of biological equilibrium.
This equality of rights does not overshadow the diversity of species and of individuals.
Article 2
All animal life has the right to be respected.
Article 3
Animals must not be subjected to bad treatment or to cruel acts.
If it is necessary to kill an animal, it must be instantaneous, painless and cause
no apprehension.
A dead animal must be treated with decency.
Article 4
Wild animals have the right to live and to reproduce in freedom in their own natural
The prolonged deprivation of the freedom of wild animals, hunting and fishing practiced
as a pastime, as well as any use of wild animals for reasons that are not vital,
are contrary to this fundamental right.
Article 5
Any animal which is dependent on people has the right to proper sustenance and care.
It must under no circumstances be abandoned or killed unjustifiably.
All forms of breeding and uses of the animal must respect the physiology and behaviour
specific to the species.
Exhibitions, shows and films involving animals must also respect their dignity and
must not include any violence whatsoever.
Article 6
Experiments on animals entailing physical or psychological suffering violate the
rights of animals.
Replacement methods must be developed and systematically implemented.
Article 7
Any act unnecessarily involving the death of an animal, and any decision leading
to such an act, constitute a crime against life.
Article 8
Any act compromising the survival of a wild species and any decision leading to
such an act are tantamount to genocide, that is to say, a crime against the species.
The massacre of wild animals, and the pollution and destruction of biotopes are
acts of genocide.
Article 9
The specific legal status of animals and their rights must be recognised by law.
The protection and safety of animals must be represented at the level of governmental
Article 10
Educational and schooling authorities must ensure that citizens learn from childhood
to observe, understand and respect animals.